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Torah Compliant Garments


Shalom, Shalom Family!
We are from the dispersed Children of Israel (Yasharal), Tribe of Yahudah- by bloodline, we have traced our family roots and researched & studied (A LOT) to confirm this. We encourage you to do the same- we are sure you will enjoy it! I'm sure many of us have seen "the 12 tribes chart" circulating and that's great since the author and publisher of that chart makes it clear himself the intention was to "STIMULATE" people into researching who they are! But it does NOT MEAN that the chart is 100% accurate (as far as the nationality and tribe line up they have done). Do your research, after all we are commanded to "PROVE ALL THINGS"....
1 Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good"

We are from the Tribes of Yasharal (Israel) that have been dispersed throughout the 4 winds of the earth for the reason that we broke the covenant that was made with our Father the Creator of heavens and earth. (Deuteronomy 28) Our forefathers made a promise to keep the Commandments that were given to us to guard and keep and we broke our promise and Our ABBA kept His promise to disperse us from the Qadosh (Holy land) to the nations of our enemies if we did not keep our promise to listen to Our Father and the Torah ( the Eternal Law) First the ten tribes were scattered in our history . In the Sacred book of our history it is written not to serve any other false mighty ones and our forefathers fell to the worship of false mighty ones of other nations and we broke the promise that was established on Mt. Horeb after our Alohay visited us and freed us from the house of slavery (Egypt) the fulfillment of the punishment for disobedience was inflicted as a Father disciplines his son he chastises his son if he loves him. The last two tribes were scattered after our Mashiach (Messiah) YAHSHA was put to death for our transgresión of the Torah and rose from the dead so that we may rise with him . Our nation did not hearken to the Prophet and King of Kings whom was prophesized to come in our Sacred Writings (Deuteronomy 18)and all the Tribes were scattered throughout the whole earth and in migration we have been ever since . Some were sent to captivity, exhile , slavery as it was written that it would be. Our descendants migrated from the center of the earth to many many nations Spain , France , North Africa , America, Mexico, and many other nations. We are in a great awaking and the Restauración of the House of Yasharal has arrived and our ABBA is calling us to awaken from our deep sleep. (Ezequiel 37). The Remnants of our people who have suffered the curses are awakening and waking up from death to life thru our Messiah who died for us so that the curse of the promise would be broken.
( Yohanan/ John 3:15-17). Yasharal is not bound by color We are brown, black and white we are bound by water, blood and spirit. Thru submersion in the Holy Sons name we accept the sacrifice that was made for us on the stake and the Torah is written in our hearts as it is established not on rock as it was given on the mountain but in our spirit for our love for our Abba becomes strong when we realized that He sent His son to redeems us thru His precious blood breaking the curses. (Yeshayah/Isaiah 40) ABBA came to visit us in the flesh and took the cloak of the seed of David . Coming back to our ABBA thru the Son makes us a nation. The dispersed will reunite as it is prophesized (Revelation 7)and from all the corners of the earth our ABBA will call us and mark the remnants of the 12 Tribes and all the gentiles or nations that listen and obey His word will be saved as well thru YAHSHA ha Mashiach. ( Acts 4:12)
The dispersed children of Yasharal have migrated to the Islands , coasts , and countries. Yeshayah/ Isaiah 11 . We are descendants of Yasharal, Isaac and Abraham . From whom the Most High chose out of Babylon where the nephilim or fallen ones established there idolatry worship there. We are in a war with the seed of the fallen ( Yahosha/Joshua 10 and 11) it is written by our Forefather Hanok (Enoch 6 / Genesis 6) the 7th descendent from Adam that they polluted the earth with there seed. The Creator of heavens and earth called us to be a Holy nation amongst all the nations of the earth to bring the Light to all the world . YAHSHA The Messiah and His Torah (Eternal Law) everything I put in parenthesis is a Holy Scripture book and chapter reference if you get a chance please look it up to explain more on this matter.

We are honored to be able to offer our services to you and your loved ones, our mission as humble servants of The Most High is to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in any way we can. If you have a design in mind we can most definitely work together to bring it to life, send me a message and we will get in touch within a few hours. May The Most High Mighty Power of Yasharal Bless You,
-Shalom, Shalom Familia


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  • Zayd Chandler

    Zayd Chandler

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